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These Terms of Service define and govern your use of the site and its affiliates. By using the site, it means you agree to be bound by these Terms.

The site is operated by Bakandamiya Global Concept Ltd, a limited liability company registered in Nigeria.

You are entirely responsible for your use of the site, for any comment you post, likes you make and all your activities. Most contents published, including your activities, are public by default and can be seen by other users and third-party services.

This site develops continuously, so the terms also may change from time to time without prior notice to you. The site can also stop at any time permanently or temporarily, depending on the needs and situations. The owner, therefore, holds the right to put limits on usage at any time without prior notice to you.

The site, besides posting articles and multimedia, also serves advertisements, which may be targeted to any content. The types and extent of advertising on the site are subject to change from time to time.

Copyrights protect all contents of this website. You can make reference or link to any of the contents. But, any direct lifting or usage of anything on the site must be done with prior permission and or acknowledgement.

Kindly read the site’s ‘Privacy Policy’ to fully understand how your data is sometimes collected automatically in the course of your visits.

For any inquiry, please click here to contact us.
